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CS 142 Lab 2

Wheel of Fortune

  • Start IntelliJ. From the screen that appears, choose “Get from VCS.” This is new; we haven’t used this option before. We will make a new project to store all of our labs and code that I want to distribute to the whole class.

  • On the next screen, copy and paste in the following URL in the box that says “URL”:

    In the “Directory” box, double-check that the folder listed is the right place for new projects to be stored (a subfolder of your main cs142 projects). If something is off, you can click the folder icon at the far right of the text area and make a new folder for this class work.

  • In the left-hand panel, expand the src folder to see today’s lab (in the lab2 folder). Double-click on WheelOfFortune (not the md file yet.) If you get a message at the top that says “Project JDK is not defined,” then click on “Setup SDK” and choose the JDK you downloaded earlier.

  • In the left-hand panel, double-click on Follow the instructions in this file. This is where you will answer the questions for the lab.

Submitting the lab

At the end of the lab session, upload the two files to canvas.