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Programming Languages: Project 4

Musical Streams

In this assignment, you will explore some fun and exciting streams and ways of using them.

Downloading the Racket sound library

  • Open DrRacket.
  • Under the File menu, choose Package Manager.
  • Under the “Do What I Mean” tab, type “rsound” (no quotes) in the Package Source field.
  • Click “Update” and the sound library will be installed. Once it is done, you can close the package manager.

If you get errors here

  • Try updating/re-downloading the latest version of Racket, which is 8.8. I had 8.7 and got a bunch of red error messages during installation. Updating to 8.8 fixed them.

Testing the Racket sound library

  • In the lower half of DrRacket, type the command (require rsound) and press enter. This should load the sound library. Note that running this command might take a few seconds to load the library. If this command completes with no errors, proceed to the next step. If you get red error messages here, try re-downloading the rsound library, or re-installing DrRacket and re-downloading the library.
  • Making sure your speakers are on and your sound level is reasonable, type the command (play ding) in the lower half of the DrRacket window. You should hear a “ding” sound. If you do, this confirms your sound library is installed correctly and is working!


  • On Windows, if you get an error message that says pa-open-stream: Invalid device, try this: Go to the Edit menu and choose Preferences (the very last item). Find the “RSound” tab in the window that appears. From the dropdown box, change the frequency to 44100Hz from 48000Hz (or whatever it is, swap it to the other). Then re-run (require rsound) and (play ding).

Skeleton code

Download proj4-start.rkt from the class website to your own computer. This file defines all the stream-related function you need to get started, including stream-cons, stream-car, and so on. Immediately run the file once you download it. You should get no errors.

Part A

  1. Define a function called make-recursive-stream that serves as a general-purpose stream-creation function. This function will create an infinite stream where the next element of the stream is always calculated from the previous element.

    make-recursive-stream takes two arguments: a function of one argument called f, and an initial value for the stream called init. make-recursive-stream returns a stream consisting of the elements init, (f init), (f (f init)), and so on.

    Example: (make-recursive-stream (lambda (x) (+ x 1)) 1) ==> stream of 1, 2, 3, 4, ...

    Example: (make-recursive-stream (lambda (s) (string-append s "a")) "") ==> stream of "", "a", "aa", "aaa", ...

    Hint: This function might seem more complicated than it really is. Just think about the code that creates an infinite stream of integers:

    (define (integers-from n) (stream-cons n (integers-from (+ n 1))))

    Think about how you would generalize this.

  2. Pascal’s triangle is an infinitely large triangular structure of numbers that looks like this:

              1   1
            1   2   1
          1   3   3   1
        1   4   6   4   1
      1   5  10  10   5   1
    . . . . . etc . . . . . .

    One way to define the triangle is to say that the first two rows of the triangle consist of one 1 and two 1’s, respectively. Each further row is begins and ends with a 1, and each “interior” number in a row is the sum of the two numbers in the preceding row that are to the left and right of the number in question. For example, the 2 in the third row is the sum of the two 1’s in the preceding row.

    Define an infinite stream called pascal where each item in the stream is a row of Pascal’s triangle, represented as a list. (In other words, you are defining an infinite stream of finite lists.) Hint: Use make-recursive-stream by defining a function that takes a row of Pascal’s triangle and generates the next row.

    Do not do this problem using the binomial theorem or using some other definition of Pascal’s triangle.


    (define pascal . . . whatever you decide . . . )   
    (stream-enumerate pascal 6)   ==> '((1) (1 1) (1 2 1) (1 3 3 1) (1 4 6 4 1) (1 5 10 10 5 1))
  3. Define a function called stream-flatten that takes an infinite stream of lists and returns a new stream consisting of all the elements from the first list, followed by all the elements from the second list, and so on.

    Example: (This assumes you’ve already written the Pascal’s triangle part from above.)

    (define flatpascal (stream-flatten pascal))   
    (stream-enumerate flatpascal 20)   ==> '(1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 6 4 1 1 5 10 10 5)
  4. Define a function called stream-merge that takes two infinite streams of numbers where each individual stream is in sorted order. stream-merge returns a new stream consisting of all the items from the two streams combined in sorted order. If there are duplicate numbers, they all should be kept in the merged stream.


    (define pow2 (make-recursive-stream (lambda (x) (* x 2)) 1))   
    (define pow3 (make-recursive-stream (lambda (x) (* x 3)) 1))   
    (stream-enumerate (stream-merge pow2 pow3) 20)   ==> '(1 1 2 3 4 8 9 16 27 32 64 81 128 243 256 512 729 1024 2048 2187)

Part B

The next few questions all use streams to produce musical tones. This is a great use of streams because we can represent a sound by a stream of samples.

A little about how sound generation works:

Sounds are transmitted through the air (or other mediums) via sound waves. The sound for a “pure” musical tone can be represented by a sine wave; that is, a sine function with a specific amplitude and frequency. In sound, the amplitude of a wave controls how loud the sound is (larger amplitudes correspond to louder volumes) and the frequency of the wave (how fast the sine wave oscillates between the maximum and minimum values) controls the pitch of the tone (faster oscillations lead to higher pitches).

This project is primarily concerned with generating sine waves of different frequencies. The frequency of a wave is measured in hertz (Hz): the number of times per second the sine wave goes up and down equals the number of hertz. For example, this is what a 3 Hz sine wave looks like: enter image description here

A 3 Hz sine wave, would correspond to a musical tone below the range of human hearing. Humans generally can perceive tones between about 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz. For instance, the musical note “A” above middle C is 440 Hz. You can listen to various frequencies here: Youtube Video.

Here’s a chart with music notes and their frequencies:

Because it is very hard to represent more sophisticated sounds (like speech) with sine waves, computers represent sound by sampling sound waves many times per second to try to approximate the true sound wave as closely as possible. For instance, CDs use an audio format that samples the sound wave 44,100 times every second. What this means is that we measure the amplitude of a sound wave 44,100 times every second. Note that this is an entirely different concept than the Hertz discussed earlier. Hertz refers to the construction of the sine wave itself – how many times it cycles up and down per second. Once the sine wave is constructed, we then sample/measure it 44,100 time per second, regardless of its Hertz number. (This is confusing because we have two different things that are happening a certain number of “times per second,” but they are different things.)

You will be producing streams that represent sounds using this sampling procedure. There is a sound library that comes with Racket that will let you listen to your streams as sounds. The only two functions that you need to know about are:

  • (play-stream stream) is a function that takes an infinite stream and plays the stream as a sound. It assumes that the stream consists of floating point numbers between -1 and 1 that represent a sound wave sampled 44,100 times per second. In other words, playing one second of sound uses the first 44,100 numbers from the stream.

    I would recommend restricting your amplitude values to between about +0.2 and -0.2 because +1 and -1 correspond to the loudest possible sound your computer can make. So keep your volume low to prevent blowing out your speakers.

  • (stop) is a function that stops all sounds playing. You will need to call this because when you play an infinite stream, it naturally plays forever.

  1. Define a function called make-sine-function that takes an argument that will be the frequency of the sine wave. This function should return a sine wave function: the returned function should be the sine wave of the frequency argument. The formula for a sine wave function is f(t) = Asin(2 * pi * frequency * t), where A is the maximum amplitude of the sine wave, frequency is the frequency of the wave, and t is time in seconds. In this case, you should use A = 0.2 (so as not blow out your speakers as mentioned above). “frequency” is the argument to the make-sine-function function, and *t is the argument to the returned function. Example:
      > (make-sine-function 1)
      > (define sine1 (make-sine-function 1))  <-- one Hz (cycle/sec)
      > (sine1 0) 
      > (sine1 .25)
      > (sine1 .5)
      2.4492935982947065e-17   <-- basically zero
      > (sine1 .75)
      > (sine1 1)
      -4.898587196589413e-17   <-- basically zero
  2. Define a stream called sampling-stream that is a stream of numbers, starting from zero, and each successive number is 1/44100 higher than the previous one. This can be done with stream-map or make-recursive-stream. Example:
      > (stream-enumerate sampling-stream 20)
      '(0 1/44100 1/22050 1/14700 1/11025 1/8820 1/7350 1/6300 2/11025 1/4900 1/4410 11/44100 1/3675 
      13/44100 1/3150 1/2940 4/11025 17/44100 1/2450 19/44100)
  3. Define a function called make-sine-stream that takes a frequency as an argument. This function returns an infinite stream of floating point numbers representing a sine wave that ranges between -0.2 and +0.2 that has the given frequency of freq, and is sampled 44,100 times per second. As an example, say we call (define s (make-sine-stream 441)). This gives us a stream of floating point numbers representing a sine wave that oscillates 441 times per second, sampled at 44,100 times per second. The first 100 numbers in the sequence will therefore represent one cycle of the wave.

    This should be done by combining the answers to the two previous questions. This can be done with very little code by combining stream-map, a call to make-sine-function, and your sampling-stream.


     (define s (make-sine-stream 441))
     (stream-ref s 0) ==> 0
     (stream-ref s 25) ==> 0.2
     (stream-ref s 50) ==> 0
     (stream-ref s 75) ==> -0.2
     (stream-ref s 100) ==> 0
     (play-stream s) ; plays the tone
     ;; fun tests:
     (define c4 (make-sine-stream 261.63))
     (define e4 (make-sine-stream 329.63))
     (define g4 (make-sine-stream 392.00))
     (define chord (stream-map2 + c4 (stream-map2 + e4 g4)))
  4. make-sine-stream returns a stream that wastes a lot of memory because the sine function is periodic but your solution to the previous problem doesn’t taking advantage of that. In other words, your function for question 5 creates an infinite number of cons cells, which is wasteful because the the infinite stream you are creating eventually repeats the sequence of floating point numbers over and over again. It would be a lot more memory efficient (constant memory versus infinite memory) if we could create a stream that reused cons cells to create a true “circular” stream in memory, rather than having to continuously allocate new cons cells to repeat the same sequence over and over.

    This is analogous to the two ways we looked at to create an infinite stream of 1s: one way actually made a recursively-linked list with one cons cell, and the other way made a linked list of lots of cons cells.

    What you need to do: Define a new function called make-circular-stream that takes a single list argument. What this function will do is create a circular stream consisting of all the items in the list, such that the cdr of the last element in the stream is a promise to point back to the first cons cell in the stream.

    This function is tricky to get right because you have to save the first cons cell in the stream that you create with stream-cons so that when you reach the end of the list, you can point back to it. You can use mutation to solve this problem.

    Here’s how you’ll know you did it right. The lines of code below create two infinite streams, each one alternating between 1 and -1. However, you can see by the output below that the “good” one is circular, and the “bad” one is not. (Note how the output for the good one labels the whole stream as “#0” and then the last cons cell contains a promise in the cdr that references #0 again, so the whole thing is circular.)

    > (define good (make-circular-stream '(1 -1)))
    > (define bad (make-recursive-stream (lambda (x) (- x)) 1))
    > (stream-enumerate good 4)
    '(1 -1 1 -1)
    > (stream-enumerate bad 4)
    '(1 -1 1 -1)
    > good
    #0='(1 . #<promise!(-1 . #<promise!#0#>)>)
    > bad
    '(1 . #<promise!(-1 . #<promise!(1 . #<promise!(-1 . #<promise!(1 . #<promise:...>)>)>)>)>)

Challenge opportunity (completing this section is optional)

  • Create a stream that represents an easily-recognizable song that is playable with the play-stream function. For instance, make a stream that represents a nursery rhyme like Yankee Doodle or a tune like Ode to Joy. (worth 5 bonus points)
  • Create a function that will create a stream for an arbitrary song specified in notes or pitches (worth 10 bonus points). For instance:

    (define yankee-doodle (make-song-stream '(c4 c4 d4 e4 c4 e4 d4 g3 c4 c4 d4 e4 c4 c4 b3 b3 c4 c4 d4 e4 f4 e4 d4 c4 b3 g3 a3 b3 c4 c4 c4 c4)))
    (play-stream yankee-doodle) should play Yankee Doodle.

    You can choose your own notation for the notes or pitches of the song. In my notation above, each note is a pitch and an octave. So c4 means middle C, and c5 would be one octave above. Octaves run C to C, so b3 is the B below middle C. You can use a different notation if you want; anything is fine (as long as Racket can read it). For instance, in my notation above, there is no notion of how long a note lasts (everything is in quarter notes). So you may want to add in note durations if you want more sophisticated songs.


Solutions should be:

  • Correct
  • Written in good style, including indentation and line breaks
  • Written using features discussed in class. In particular, you must not use any mutation operations nor arrays (even though Racket has them).