--Find all Slytherin students with owls. --select slast, sfirst from students where pet='Owl' and --house='Slytherin' --Find all years where History of Magic was taught before noon. --select * from courses where name='History of Magic' and --starttime < 12 --Find all professors with a hyphen in their last name. --select * from profs where plast like '%-%' --Find all rooms with at least ten seats. --select * from rooms where maxseats >= 10 --Find last names of all students who have ever failed a class. --select distinct slast from grades where grade=0 order by slast desc --Partner up all the Gryffindors and the Slytherins --select s1.slast, s1.sfirst, s2.slast, s2.sfirst --from students s1, students s2 --where s1.house='Gryffindor' and s2.house='Slytherin' --select students.slast, sfirst, crn, grade --from grades join students on grades.slast=students.slast --Write a query to retrieve a list of all courses with --professor first & last names. (Table should have CRN, coursename, --prof first name, prof last name) --select crn, name, profs.plast, pfirst --from courses join profs on courses.plast=profs.plast --select students.sfirst, students.slast, grades.crn, --courses.name, grades.grade --from grades join courses on grades.crn=courses.crn --join students on students.slast=grades.slast select sfirst, slast, crn, name, grade from courses natural join grades natural join students