CS 241 Project 3: SortedList and No Thanks

  1. Getting started
    1. Background: how Java determines the sorted order of objects
  2. How SortedList will work
  3. Getting Started
  4. Part A: Implementing SortedList [85 points of your grade]
  5. General hints and suggestions
  6. Part B: No Thanks! [15 points of your grade]
    1. Rules of the game
    2. What you need to do for Part B
    3. Implementing getCardScore() [5 points]
    4. Implementing the AI player [10 points]
  7. At the end of the project
  8. Grading
  9. Submitting your code

Reminder: Everything in this project must be your own work. If you include any code that was not invented by you, you must give a citation for it.

Getting started

  • Download the starter code here.
  • Make a new Intellij project. Then copy the contents of this src folder exactly into the src folder in the new project. Do not “nest” the src folders inside each other!

In this project, you will implement a doubly-linked list that maintains a list of integers in sorted order. In other words, the user has no control over where in the list items are inserted; they will automatically be placed into the correction position to keep the list in sorted order at all times. We will call this data structure a SortedList. You will then use this data structure to develop an AI program to play the card game No Thanks.

Like the previous project, a SortedList will be able to store any type of data, be it integers, doubles, Strings, or objects of most any class. There will only be one restriction: since the objects must be kept in sorted order, there must be some way to compare them. This is straightforward for simple things like integers and doubles, but what if we made a SortedList<Dog>? How do we determine if one Dog should come before or after another Dog in sorted order? Java has a built-in mechanism for this.

Background: how Java determines the sorted order of objects

Java contains an interface called Comparable. (Javadoc) This interface may be implemented by any class that has a need to be sorted or stored in a data structure that does sorting, such as our SortedList. Many existing Java classes implement Comparable, such as all the numeric classes (Integer, Double, etc), String, and many built-in classes.

Comparable only has one method that must be implemented: int compareTo(other). This method’s job is to compare “this” object against another object (other) to see which one is bigger or smaller. If this object is smaller, this function should return a negative integer (often -1). If this object is bigger, it should return a positive integer (often +1). If the two objects are equal, it should return 0.

Here’s an example of this method. Suppose we wanted to write a compareTo method for a hypothetical Time class, which represents the time of day in a 24-hour format. It might look like this:

public class Time implements Comparable<Time> {
  private int hour;    // 0-23
  private int minute;  // 0-59
  // other functions here....
  int compareTo(Time other) {
    if (hour < other.hour)
      return -1;  // we are smaller
    else if (hour > other.hour)
      return 1;   // we are bigger
    else {
      // we have the same hour, compare minutes
      if (minute < other.minute)
        return -1;
      else if (minute > other.minute)
        return 1;
        return 0; // both hour and minute match, times are equal

Notice how all this function does is compare “this” Time against another Time argument passed in, and see which time is bigger or if they are the same. Every compareTo function must return a negative integer, a positive integer, or zero according to the rules above.

That’s all you need to understand about Comparable for now.

How SortedList will work

SortedLists are based on the following node structure, which follows the standard doubly-linked list paradigm:

class Node<E> {
    public E data;
    public Node<E> next;   
    public Node<E> prev;   

The SortedList structure itself maintains two pointers, one to the head of the list and one to the tail. The items within the list (the integers stored) increase in value from head to tail. The SortedList class also stores the number of items currently in the list (the size).

SortedLists have a few operations you will need to implement:

  • Add an item to a SortedList. Given a new item, this operation places item in the correct spot within the SortedList. You may assume item does not already exist in the list (items will never be duplicated).
  • Remove an item from a SortedList. Given an item, this operation removes item from the SortedList if it is present in the list, and does nothing if item is not present.
  • Test if an item is present in a SortedList or not.
  • Clear the SortedList. This operation removes all the items from the SortedList.
  • Retrieve the size of the SortedList.
  • Two methods for displaying a SortedList as a string (one internal, one external).

Getting Started

  • Download the starter code from above. For the moment, only pay attention to SortedList.java (inside the SortedList package). Take a look at the entire file. Ignore the extends Comparable<E> part for now. That will be made clear later.
  • Take a look at SortedListTester.java. This file is similar to the previous project, where you will write tests. This file should compile and run out of the box, though the output won’t be very meaningful.
  • Ignore everything else right now (everything inside the nothanks package).

Part A: Implementing SortedList [85 points of your grade]

  • Implement all the methods in SortedList that are not already implemented. I suggest going in this order:

    • Write add() first, at least a simple version of it. At least get it working so you can add an item to the end of a list, even if it’s in the wrong sorted position. You can go back and fix it later.

      Important note: Because you don’t know the type of objects being stored in the SortedList, you can’t compare them using < or >. Java will flag these as errors and your code won’t compile. Instead, you must call compareTo on these E objects. For instance, if you have two E objects called a and b, and you would normally write if (a < b), you should write this as if (a.compareTo(b) < 0). Remember that if a is “less than” b, then the compareTo method will return a negative number, so this should make sense to you. Here’s a basic translation table:

      if (a < b)          if (a.compareTo(b) < 0)
      if (a > b)          if (a.compareTo(b) > 0)
      if (a <= b)         if (a.compareTo(b) <= 0)
      if (a >= b)         if (a.compareTo(b) >= 0)
      if (a == b)         if (a.compareTo(b) == 0)   // or (a.equals(b))

      The conclusion here is that you must do all your comparisons in SortedList with compareTo, not by using < or >. Do not forget to modify the size variable in the SortedList when you add an item to it!

    • Write toInternalString(). This will be the most helpful function you’ll have during this project. See the comments in the code for how to do this, but basically this function should traverse the list in both directions (not at the same time) and print the list going each way. You should also print the size from counting the items in the traversal in both directions. All of this should go into the string that is returned. Use project 2 as a guide for how to build this string if you want.

    • At this point you should be able to run SortedListTester and see some meaningful output. You should see items being added to your SortedList.

    • Now go back and fix add() if it wasn’t working 100% the first time. Remember, this function should add an item to its correct sorted position within the list.

    • Write get() and testing code for that.

    • Write size() and clear() and testing functions for those. These functions should be very easy to write.

    • Write contains() and testing code.

    • Write remove() and testing code. This function should not crash if the item is not in the list, but rather just do nothing.

    • Finally, write toString(), which is just a simplified version of toInternalString().

  • Hints:

    • Whenever you are declaring a new SortedList or Node, remember to use <E> after it.

General hints and suggestions

  • Make sure to test all your operations on empty lists, lists with one element, and lists with more than one element. Also make sure to test your operations where manipulation of the list will involve the head, the tail, or both together.
  • I recommend splitting add into a number of cases:
    • Adding an item to an empty list (because you will need to change head and tail).
    • What to do if the item should go before the head (because this will change head).
    • What to do if the item should go after the tail (because this will change tail).
    • All other cases - traverse the list to find the correct spot to insert the new item.
  • You can split up remove similarly. My code uses five cases: list is empty, list only has one element, removing the head, removing the tail, and everything else.

Part B: No Thanks! [15 points of your grade]

The second part of this project involves writing code to play a simple game called No Thanks. The game is oriented around a sorted list of cards (numbers), and therefore our SortedList class will come in handy here.

Rules of the game

First, get aquainted with the game. It is very easy to understand.

What you need to do for Part B

In part B, you will be:

  • Writing a function to determine the “card score” for a player (scoring the cards in their hand at the end of the game)
  • Writing an artificial intelligence player to play the game. If you would like, you may also enter your No Thanks AI player in a contest against other players from our class.

Implementing getCardScore() [5 points]

  • Open up NoThanksGame.java in the nothanks package. Scroll all the way to the bottom, and there’s a function called getCardScore() that you will write.
  • This function should calculate the “card score” for a SortedList of Integers. Remember, each card (integer) scores the number of points on the card (the integer itself), except if that card is part of a sequence of cards in a row with no gaps (like 10-11-12 or 24-25-26-27). In that case, only the lowest card in the sequence is scored, and the rest are ignored.
    • For example, the card score for the SortedList [10 12] would be 10 + 12 = 22.
    • The score for [10 11 12] would be just 10.
    • The score for [8 10 11 12 14] would be 8 + 10 + 14 = 32.
  • Hint: You can use your size and get functions to iterate through the SortedList to see what’s inside.
  • You should test your function by running the CardScoreTester tester class below the function. Write additional tests in main to make sure your function works!
  • Note that in the real game, once the “card score” is calculated, the number of counters/chips each player has is subtracted. This is not part of the getCardScore() function, however.

Implementing the AI player [10 points]

  • Open up NoThanksRunner.java. This class will take care of running either a single game of No Thanks, or running lots of games in a row.
  • You can run the main function write out of the box, and it will simulate a game of No Thanks with four players who play randomly.
  • Try switching the call from playOneGame to playManyGames and it will play 100,000 games in a row, showing you final scores for each game. You’ll notice that with four random players, each one wins about 25% of the time.
  • Take a look at Player.java. This is a Java interface that every AI player must implement. It has a single method, with all the information the AI player needs to know.
  • Take a look at the three existing AI players: AlwaysTakePlayer, AlwaysRejectPlayer, and RandomPlayer. Notice how each one implements a different strategy (although all three strategies aren’t very intelligent), returning true to take a card (and the chips on the card), or false to reject the card.
  • Here’s what you must do: Make a new class that implements Player. The name of your class should be SomethingSomethingPlayer where the SomethingSomething can be whatever you want, but try to make it unique enough that someone else in the class won’t come up with the same idea. For example, name your player after yourself, your pet, or just pick some random adjectives (SuperCrazyFunPlayer?). Inappropriate player names will be changed.
    • In your class, write the offeredCard function in any way you want. Try to be smart! You have access to all the information in the game, including your current cards, the other players’ cards, the number of chips you currently have, and the number of chips on the card (that you will collect if you take the card). The only information you don’t have is the number of chips each other player has, but with enough cleverness, you can deduce this in your program if you want.
  • To test your player, add your player as one of the four players in the game in main() inside NoThanksRunner. It doesn’t matter what order the players are added in; the starting player is chosen randomly each time.
  • Your grade for this part of the project [10 points of the final grade] will be determined by how smart your AI player is versus 3 random players, so the bar is pretty low. If you can win 30% of the time (note that you will win 25% of the time just by chance), you will get 5 points. If you can win 90% of the time, you will get the full 10 points. Somewhere in the middle will get between 5-10 points.
  • I will pit everyone’s players head-to-head and the best AI player in the class will receive extra credit points on the assignment.

At the end of the project

  • As you are preparing to submit the project, please prepare a text file (.txt, pdf, or Word doc is fine) answering the following questions:
    1. What bugs and conceptual difficulties did you encounter? How did you overcome them? What did you learn?
    2. Describe whatever help (if any) that you received. Don’t include readings, lectures, and exercises, but do include any help from other sources, such as websites or people (including classmates and friends) and attribute them by name.
    3. Describe any serious problems you encountered while writing the program.
    4. Did you do any of the challenges (see below)? If so, explain what you did.
    5. List any other feedback you have. Feel free to provide any feedback on how much you learned from doing the assignment, and whether you enjoyed doing it.
  • Please also add a comment at the top of your program stating your name and a pledge that you have followed the honor code and collaboration policy for this project. This can be as simple as writing “I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this program.” You can find the collaboration policy on the syllabus.
  • Remember, projects will be graded not only on correctness, but also appropriateness and efficiency of the algorithms you choose, and on coding style.


Your project will be graded on

  • correctness of your output
  • appropriateness of your algorithmic choices, including big-oh times: Your implementations should be as fast as is reasonably possible (in other words, do not use an O(n^2) algorithm where an O(n) will do.
  • thoroughness of your testing code
  • intelligence of your AI player
  • code style, including appropriate choices regarding comments, naming of variables, design and readability of your code, etc.

Submitting your code

To submit, upload these three files: SortedList.java, SortedListTester.java, and your AI player class.

It would also be helpful if you emailed me your AI player class because I will post updates along the way as to which AI players are leading. You can update your AI player at any time!